Monday, September 22, 2014

One Majestic Night at The Great Chinese Circus

Last night, I was given a chance to witness a spectacular show of acrobats, jugglers, contortionists, and a lot more. It was The Great Chinese Circus from Hebei China. The Great Chinese Circus believed to start around 2000 or 3000 years ago as a form of art. They were considered somewhat alike the court jesters but fairly formal and serious. Unlike most circus, they performed without animals such as lions, dogs, etc. but they rather concentrate on the human performing acts. 

The Great Chinese Circus with Acrobats from Hebei. China.

The first and last circus I saw was when I was in 2nd grade, it was The Great American Circus held at the Reclamation area here in my city. Hey, it was 22 years ago, and there were not so many circus performances or shows here in Bacolod City that caught my interest. So when I saw the ad for this event, I really had to watch this! The show started by 6PM at the University of St. La Salle Coliseum, Bacolod City. The Coliseum was jammed packed with people of all ages. From kids to grandparents, we were all there to enjoy this one of a kind treat that made us all gasp for excitement and awe. 

General Admission Tickets
Ummm... I arrived about 6.30 PM, late due to some circumstances but I hope I did not miss a lot. When I arrived, the show has already started and I began with the girl juggling a vase with her feet. What was wonderful about this was she then juggled a wooden table with her feet while lying back. I was clapping and having fun. And I thought, this was going to be a good night.

The Table Juggler
And I was not disappointed. The acts were magical and jaw-dropping. I was truly delighted by the aerial dance. Being suspended on mid-air with nothing but a blue silk cloth to hold on to dear life. This was my favorite part of the entire program. I just love how graceful the man and woman moved from silk to silk. It was like dancing while levitating. They were like gliders. One part I Iike was when the woman's legs were wrapped with the cloth, splitting in mid-air, and holding her partner while he was performing some acrobatic acts on the air. It was comparable to a romantic scene in a ballet or a pair figure skating performance only that this involves flying (or suspension.)

One of the highlights of the show: Aerial Dancers
Aerial Dancers gliding.

The evening was full of great acts that were heart-stopping. One of which was when a balancer stacked up a small table, 6 chairs and balanced himself on the tilted top most chair.

The Balancer
And he was not the only balancer of the night. There were six girls holding long poles or sticks with plates spinning at each end. They were doing stunts like tumbling and pyramids while holding or spinning plates with their hands that you cannot believe those plates were not glued to the pole.

The Plate Spinners
A male duo was doing the hand balancing act that is common for circuses which exhibited great muscle strength and equilibrium.

The Hand Balancing Act

There were as well a group of ladies playing with yoyos. Lots of turning and tossing of those big green yoyos, passing the circle from one far corner of the stage to the other. There was a point in the act that one girl was not able to catch the yoyo that was passed to her from across the stage. But all in all, salute to their great talent.

The Yo-Yo girls

Hat jugglers were also present in the show. They were 8 men holding 3 hats each. They were doing crazy and funny tricks with the hats such as tossing and passing it to each other. They were also a comedic act.

Hat Jugglers
A contortionist added more excitement to the night with all those body twisting and bending and all. Whew! Such flexibility, I had to believe she was not a human being to be able to do all those. 

Contortionist with the Candle Holders on her feet, hands and forehead.

An exciting part of the night that I agree most of the audience enjoyed was the men dressed in colorful spandex were jumping to a number of rings across the stage. I call them the Ring Jumpers! At first, there were just two rings in different sizes. Until more small circles were added to increase the height of the biggest one. They even had to do somersaults to be able to reach the highest ring that they needed to get through. And one exhilarating part of the performance was when they moved the rings to the edge of the stage. To describe this more, the rings were set higher about 10 feet and if the jumpers made one wrong move, he will dive straight off the stage. But gladly, they were able to finish the act smoothly.

The Ring Jumpers in colorful spandex ;)

The array of hair-raising and thrilling unbelievable acts ended with an entire group of balancing contortionist. It was a great way to end the entire night of intoxicating and fascinating sets of performances that left the spectators breathless.

The Final Act

And that was, ladies and gentlemen, The Great Chinese Circus!

This evening has brought back the kid in me. I was in awe the whole night, clapping, gasping and ooohing with the entire viewers during entire of the show. I totally enjoyed all the stunts and tricks. They did not let all the audience down. They have delivered an entertaining show that will surely be remembered by all who have witnessed. From the general admission to the VIP, it was worth it!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Café Love

My 6 Most Loved Cafés in Bacolod

Coffee is my ultimate addiction and food is my first love. I can’t last a day without a cup of that miracle beverage. This has been my greatest companion through work. It just keeps me going and going. In short, my battery! And coffee time is a best occasion to spend with friends.

Yes, my dear readers, I have already come to an age where I no longer find partying and lots of booze as my way to bond with friends. So I have embraced my maturity and switched from alcohol to caffeine and food (lotsa!) As for food, well I’m just the type who is always hungry. So may it be street or restaurant food, as long as my palate loves the taste (and it’s clean), I’m a happy camper.

Bacolod, for those unfamiliar with the place, is located in the middle part of the Philippines, specifically in Western Visayas. Our City is well-known as the “City of Smiles” and our colorful Masskara Festival that we celebrate every October. Not only are we identified through these, we are part of a province, Negros Occidental, which is branded as the “Sugarbowl of the Philippines” for the reason that we generate half of the country’s sugar production.

There are several coffee shops in Bacolod that visitors will truly enjoy. I, even as a local, have not yet been to all of them. They are just so many and so little time. So I have a few favorite spots to enjoy my afternoon (or night) and my coffee.

6. Café Umá

In our dialect, Hiligaynon, Umá means hacienda or farm. Oh yeah, our province has numerous umás or sugar fields. Café Umá serves Western and Asian dishes. Although pricier than most, their food are worth every penny. People say they serve the best pasta but what I love about this café is the coffee and pizza. They serve a variety of coffee that will suit your needs from lattes to espressos. And their pizza? A pleasure in every slice. Fine cheese, meat and nothing but meat and that oven-baked crust will undeniably make my day.

Located beside L'Fisher Hotel

5. Cantina Mondo Artisanal Deli and Cafe

Located at the back of a mall, this café is very accessible. So after a day of shopping, you can just sit and relax with a cup of brewed coffee and a quick bite to refill the energy you have spent getting in to one store to another. You will be able to find Bacolod or Negros delicacies which are usually best for “pasalubongs”. They serve wines, sausages, main courses, sandwiches, desserts and a whole lot more. 

What I like about Mondo is the Milo Dinosaur, a chocolate shake topped with chocolate powder. Just every kid’s dream! The coffee, house blend or Benguet Arabica, can surely make your day. And nothing compares to their sticky toffee pudding and banoffee pie, simply delectable. The sticky toffee pudding is made of a very soft sponge cake filled with luscious toffee sauce. Ohhhh…Am gonna get one after this! Their banoffee pie consists of banana, toffee, cream and condensed milk is so tasty!

The Banoffee Pie. Cantina Mondo is locate at Central Citywalk, Robinson's Bacolod

4. Calea

Just one dessert comes into mind when people hear Calea, Imported Chocolate Cake. When you say chocolate cake, it has to be Calea, nothing else. This is a distinguished dessert shop in Bacolod. They offer a variety of cakes, I say tons of choices, that one will enjoy. They offer Blueberry cheesecake, mudpie, oreo cheesecake, chocolate dome, semi-freddos, oh they are just too many. And what best goes with cake? You are on the right path, my friend. A mug of coffee! Their latte and cappuccino are really good. Coffee with a hint of milk. Or is it the other way around?  Two words: BEST COMBO! If you are a desert or cake addict, you may need to go to rehab after you visit this establishment.

Calea at Lacson St. Above are the Imported Chocolate Cake and Strawberry Semi-Freddo (Ice cream cake)

3. Café Bobs
I consider this as one of our city’s pride. This is one big café in Bacolod. And we may even consider it as our local counterpart for Starbucks. They started as a small coffee shop along my high school and in front of a university. I assume their target market that time were college students who needed a place to study that allowed them to eat and drink coffee at the same time (which is not allowed in the libraries). And it was a big hit! Surely, we had to get in a long line to be able to get the ever popular “frap.” They, indeed, have live up to that standards they had started in 2000, brewed coffee and frappes, coffee or cream based, got everyone hooked. They have since expanded to many branches and an array of food choices. My favorites are the carbonara and lasagna. Their carbonara is really creamy and the lasagna is super cheesy! Their CAB Gelato is also a must try. I love the bubble gum flavor. It just brings out the kid in all of us.

CAB Gelato

Creamy Carbonara and the very cheesy Lasagna with garlic bread.

2. The Coffee Station and Green Tree Gelato Café
Started as a small coffee shop at the second floor of a mall in Bacolod, The Coffee Station caught the heart of the locals. With various choices of coffee and drinks, they were able to gain many regulars. Not to forget, their staffs are super friendly. Before the law for public smoking was passed, this café used to be the only place in the mall that customers are allowed to smoke. 

They then branched out, literally just outside the mall, into Green Tree Gelato Café. The same drinks with Coffee Station but with Gelato. My favorite, ever since I started drinking coffee, is their famed Granita. It is a slush type drink, not made of fruits, but of coffee. If the weather is so hot and you wanna drink coffee, Granita is the best choice. Their house blend iced tea is as well one of a kind. Made with real lemon and served with 3 slices of lemon in the glass, this is totally a thirst quencher. And when you are torn between wanting to get drink or a gelato, no worries, you can turn your Gelato into a drink. Satisfaction!

The Granita!!!!
1.  Kuppa Coffee and Tea

Kuppa was derived from the term “Cup of” or cuppa, which is a slang for cup of coffee or cup of tea. It is on top of my list. Why? Here are a few reasons. Their booth is comfy. I love most of their food choices. The place has a very nice ambience. Staffs are friendly and alert. They have a wide range of selections for coffee, tea, sodas and other drinks. And have I mentioned I love their food? Oh yeah! I did! But I like mentioning it again. 

Let’s start with the Wimpy’s Burger. It is an open faced burger with the patty and bun covered with gravy on one side and the other bun covered with melted cheese. It may look messy but once it reaches your taste buds you wouldn’t mind. Truly a genius creation! 

Wimpy's Burger

The Mark’s Oriental Salad is not one of my favorites (since I am a fully fledged carnivore) but according to people who have tried it, it is one of the best on the menu. Moving on, the Eugene’s Favorite Pizza: all meat! There is nothing more that I can say. I’m a hardcore meat eater. 
Mark's Oriental Salad and Eugene's Favorite Pizza

And lastly, one of my much loved on the menu is the Pasta in Pesto Sauce. I admit the best Pesto Pasta in town is found in Trattoria Uma, yet it is too expensive for frequent consumption. While Kuppa’s Pasta in pesto sauce is affordable and tastes delish!

Pasta in Pesto Sauce

Now let’s go with the drinks. I am not much of a tea drinker. Given the fact that I love brewed coffee, my frequent order is the Iced White Cloud Mocha. 2 shots of espresso, milk and sugar syrup on ice feels heavenly. Good name choice for the beverage. You will feel like you are on the clouds because it is extremely yummy.

Iced White Cloud Mocha
So if you happen to be wandering around Bacolod, especially during the Masskara Festival in October, try these cafes/restos to experience a one of a kind food and caffeine feast, Bacolod style! We live up to our city’s name, “City of Smiles”.  It is because once any of these cuisines and the drink makes contact with your palate, that smile will be on your face for a long time. 
An advice of caution though, the moment you start indulging these food, you just can’t stop. And beyond any doubt, you will keep coming back for more. Like an addiction, the cravings will eat you up. Nahhh! Just kidding! If you have friends from Bacolod, you can always have them buy one for you and have it sent through an overnight courier. Hahahaha.

‘Till the next food rampage! Ta ta!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

El Nido: The Last Hurrah in Paradise

As promised, a second article regarding my trip to EL Nido, Palawan. This was our third day in our dreamland. We have visited various lagoons and islands during the previous day (see previous post) and we just can’t get enough of the beauty God has created. So instead of lying down on the beach and touring the downtown of El Nido, we decided to endeavor another tour. This time we chose Tour B. As usual, we woke up at 6 am since the electricity is being turned off during that time for the entire place (This is their means to conserve energy. Mother Earth is so proud!)Our tour guide and the boat man prepared the snorkeling equipment, life jackets (Very important especially for non swimmers like me!) and food. We started to board by exactly 7 am to be able to enjoy the sun longer. It was a bit gloomy that day because a storm was about to hit the north of Palawan which was where we were. Luckily Mr. Sun showered us with his presence even for only half a day.

Our first stop was a lovely island called Inabuyatan Island. It was a great place to snorkel. We were not allowed to dock on the beach though as it was being developed into a whole new resort. My first thought was “Sad that they are building concrete cabanas before we even had a chance to explore it.” But then these thoughts were taken out by once again the great view I witnessed underwater. Fishes, huge coral reefs, more fishes (of different kinds) and the ever popular jelly fishes. But luckily, I was not stung this time.

Oh! I failed to mention on my previous post that I was stung by a big fat pearly white (or transparent, I think) jelly fish or the locals call “salabay” while we were walking back to the resort after we finish our first tour. I was screaming so loud because it was a horrifying experience of great pain. My friends were like, “The jelly fish just greeted you on your birthday.” Yeah! It was my birthday! Such a luck! And that was one of the reasons why this trip was a very memorable one. It left a scar for me to remember for a lifetime. But thanks to a scar removal cream, it is barely there.

Well enough of that terrible encounter with one of the sea’s dangerous creatures. Back to tour B.

Snorkeling and Swimming at Inabuyatan Island

We then went to a site they call the Snake Island. The place got it’s name because of the long S-shaped line of sand that runs across the water connecting one island to the other. During low tide, the long sand bar is very much visible. But when the tide is high, the water rises up to waste or chest level (depending on your height.)  We were led by the tour guide on the top of the hill to see more views of the island. And behold, we appreciated how the name was derived. 

Snake Island:The S-shaped Sand bar

After we had lunch, we then started off to our next destination, the Cudugnon Cave. This was one of the highlights of our trip. Just like most caves you have to crawl in to a small hole made of sharp rocks to be able to get in. 

The way in! =)
The travel guide padded the entrance with life vests to avoid scratches or injuries that we might get from the jagged rocks. The opening was convenient for me as I am quite small. But it was hard from people who have large frames. When I passed the first entrance, I could smell the bats. Got me thinking, is this how Bruce Wayne smells? (Boom!)

We needed to again creep into a small entrance and that was when I was astonished with what I saw. The stones were smoother and the formation allowed you to play with your imagination, such a sight to behold. We even saw a sort-of-distorted hidden Mickey (image seen below), Mordor-like formation (not so, but just use your creative mind!) and a portion of a rock that we call the Rock Throne based from the Iron Throne (move over King’s Landing.) 

Hidden distorted Mickey, Mordor and the Iron (Rock) Throne

On the top of the cave was a small gap between the rocks that allowed light from the sun to penetrate the dark space.

Look up! And there was light!

 Apart from the wonderful view in the cave, we were also taken aback by the view of the beach. So white and powdery (the sand), so blue and cool (the water), and just sooo relaxing. The rock formations were very tempting to climbers. And this one did not let this experience pass. (see below)

Feeling the stones and making a route. That's what climbers do!
After about an hour of enjoying the beach, it was time for the next stop on our tour list. It was the Cathedral Cave. I suppose it was another breathtaking view but we were very unfortunate not to be able to get in. The wind was strong and a Kayak is the only means of transportation that can be used. Since we were not such experienced swimmers (or was it only me?), the tour guide advised us to skip this one instead because the waves are kind of powerful and might cause the Kayak to flip if not managed by experts. I was sad, in view of the fact that I was looking forward to seeing the rock formations hidden inside and the name was catchy, I wanna know why it was called as such. Was it because it has high ceiling just like the cathedrals? Does it look like a church inside? But then for safety purposes, we carried on to our final leg.

A view from afar, The Cathedral Cave.

Before reaching our final destination, we passed by the Lagen Island. But we did not get the chance to dock on shore since it is now one of El Nido’s prime resorts.  Oh well, next destination please!

Lagen, one of El Nido's prime resorts
We then departed for our last stop for the sightseeing expedition, the Malapacao Island.  It was a very good location for swimming, snorkeling and scuba diving. Given that, I am not a swimmer (the only one in the group), I was warned by the boat man not to swim far from the shore. For the reason that, it has what they call a part that is “kantilado” which meant that the sea floor has a steep or cliff-like portion that go all the way as deep as I can imagine. The underwater view though in that part of the sea was really magnificent. But for me, that was a danger zone. 
Malapacao Island
We were not able to take a glimpse of a sea turtle, so we decided to make one.
En: "This is my paradise!"

We spent the rest of the day in the Malapacao beach making sand castles and destroying them afterwards through our own version of castle wars with our make shift sand balls as weapons. 

Sand Castle Wars
Jellyfish that was twice the size of my head!

We ended our El Nido Vacay with our last minute shopping for souvenirs as “pasalubong” to our families and friends at downtown El Nido Boutique and Art Cafe. We then had dinner at a popular beach front restaurant called “Sea Slugs”. I know the name is not at all appetizing but wait until you taste their food, they were delish! Plus the live band entertained the guests (local and foreign) with beach music and some rock ones as well. 
Bak and Shie in Sea Slugs Beach Restaurant
Having dinner under a blanket of stars, good food, soothing sounds, strangers all around, great friends and a bottle of booze, it was one of those times where you feel that you just had the best day of your life. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

El Nido: Sun, Sand and Sea at it's best.

I love to travel especially going to beaches anytime of the year. I have visited one of the best destinations for people who love the sun, sand and sea. That is the heaven called El Nido. It is literally one of the best beaches in the country because of it's great scenery and marine life preservation.

El Nido is a small municipality located in the Northeast part of the province of Palawan. It was about an hour and half (I think!) flight away from Manila (Philippine's capital city). But from where I come from, I had to take connecting flights from Bacolod to Manila to Puerto Princesa (capital of Palawan), since there are no direct flights from my city to El Nido or Puerto Princesa. So it was roughly about 2 hours of travel to reach Puerto Princesa. From the capital city of the beautiful island of Palawan, we had to drive to El Nido for about 5-6 hours, which was a very good way to explore the region. Yeah! I know what you are thinking, "6 hours of sitting in the car on bumpy roads?" No worries. There is a stop over in the city of Roxas after 2 hours of travel for lunch, bathroom breaks and the like.

Puerto Princesa Airport, Rizal Ave., Puerto Princesa, Palawan

We got to see fantastic views of nature that we would never ever see in developed cities such as Bacolod and/or Manila. We took a glimpse of the rainforests of Palawan that is greatly preserved by their government. I salute the unity of the people there since they are very determined to keep the natural beauty of their place and especially their discipline to retain to their title "Paradise of the Philippines". Eventhough the ride was sometimes bumpy and made us sore, the welcoming view of El Nido wiped out all of those. Indeed, patience was a virtue and paradise was within arms-reach after a long agonizing ride.  Hahaha.

Welcome to El Nido!

The activities in the locale were not limited to the ones you can do on shore. The best way to explore the entire location was Island Hopping. Believe me! This was the "awesomest" way to get to know the place. We stayed at Islandfront Cottages and Restaurant where their rooms were filled with wood furnishings and colorful wall designs. We signed up for the tours through the Cottage's receptionist for the next day's recreational activities. And the first day was the beginning of my adventure of a lifetime.

We started off with the Tour A. This includes trips to 5 different destinations. The first stop was the Small Lagoon. The way in and out for this lagoon is through a small crack between rocks and only way to get in is by swimming through or if you do not know how to swim (like yours truly), kayak will be the best transportation and do not forget the life jacket. Once you are in, everything looks marvelous and untouched.

Small  lagoon from the outside.

The next stop was the Big Lagoon. The deepest and darkest blue water I've ever seen which gave me an eerie feeling. It felt like you do not want know what was down there when you're on top of the water. But this is one of the popular snorkeling spots in  El Nido. And according to the tour guide, sharks visit the place sometimes when the tide is high or if there is a storm because the water is calmer compared to the open sea.
Entrance to the Big Lagoon (This is usually seen in post cards or souvenir stuff)
The view from the  inside of the  lagoon.
The third stop was the Payong-Payong Island. This was where we had our lunch. While we snorkeled, enjoyed the fine white sand and the amazing rock formations, our tour guide and the boatman cooked and prepared our lunch of ribs, grilled fish, and  a variety of fruits.

Payong-Payong Island

After the scrumptious lunch we had, we then went to visit the Secret lagoon. In order to get into the hidden spot, you need to crawl into a small hole to be able to view the cliffs of limestone surrounding the cool waters of this lagoon.

Accessible via a small hole, behind this rock is the Secret Lagoon.
Inside the Secret Lagoon. The farther you go the deeper the water gets.

Next on the list was home to many marine life, Simizu Island. Named after a Japanese diver who died in the island's underwater tunnel. I am not sure if the tunnel is still open due to the accident that happened a long time ago. I was totaly in awe with the different fishes you get to swim with and feed! Plus the coral reef on the sea floor are just stunning! This was when I started to enjoy snorkling and my life vest. For someone who doesnt know how to swim, the life vest is  great help to enjoy the water.

Holla Simizu Island!
Snorkling and feeding the fishes.
The last stop of our island hopping tour A is the 7 Commandos Island. Again another beach that you can just chill and lay on the powdery white sand while the waves rushed to the shore. After the entire day of touring a part of El Nido, this was the best place to end the trip and relax while having a fresh coconut drink. This site is best for Ulimate Frisbee or beach volleyball/football.
7 Commandos Beach
Fresh Coconut Drink and just chillin' by the beach.
By the end of the day, I felt like I was truly exploring the Philippines (even if it was just a few islands out of 7,107.) I started to appreciate the beauty of my country through my first day in El Nido. It was one heck of a tour. I have conquered my fear of the depth of the sea (Thank you Life Vest, my best friend!) And this is definitely a vacation I will treasure for the rest of my life. It was my first time in El Nido and it has blown me away. This led my friends and I to try the next tour on the list, Tour B. 'Coz we just can't get enough of the nirvana this place has brought us.

And that would be on the next blog. Thanks for touring with me around El Nido. Till next time!